Cookie information

This site does not use tracking cookies of any kind. It does use up to three cookies for other purposes though:

  • One cookie to track whether you've seen and accepted this cookie warning (valid for ten years)
  • One session coockie related to session information stored on the server side
  • The map tile servers on may also set a cookie of their own

The server side session tied to the session cookie is only used to remember previous choices when filling out the Create map form. The session does not store personalized data in any form.

The site will continue to function even when you choose to not accept any cookies, but you'll unfortunately also see this message again and again unless you at least accept the cookielaw_accepted cookie that gets sent when hitting the "OK" button below.

For further details see the sites privacy statemet

Privacy Statement


All web traffic is encrypted using TLS/SSL, using certificates provided by LetsEncrypt.

When trying to access the site via unencrypted http: URLs you'll automatically be redirected to the encrypted https: URL counterparts.


The web server only logs date and time, requested URL and HTTP status, it does normally not log IP addresses, user agent strings or referer URLs. These additional fields may temporary be added to log entries when necessary to analyze problems (although so far that has never been needed), but such additional access logs will be removed again within 24 hours.

When submitting an actual map rendering job, your IP address will be stored until removed manually along with the actual map request.

If you chose to also provide an email address for notification when your request has been processed completely, this mail address will be stored for 24 hours.

Tracking / Analytics

The site does not track users in any way, neither by itself nor by use of any external tracking services.


This site may use up to three cookies to store information about you:


This cooke gets created as soon as you click Accept on the cookie warning. After this you will not see that warning again on this browser until the cookie gets deleted by you, or expires after ten years.

The cookie only stores a fixed valie of "1" to remember your acceptance.

If you do not accept this cookie the cookie warning block will appear every time you load a new page from the site, but it will not otherwise affect functionality of the site apart from the screen space taken.


This cookie is used to tie your browser session to some session specific information stored on the server side.

So far we use a session only to store and remember certain choices you made in the Create Map form, so that we can pre-select or pre-fill form elements accordingly the next time you create a map.

So the information stored in the session is just for your own convenience, it is not tracked in any way, it does not include any personal information about you, and the information will be removed completely two weeks after your last access of the Create Map form.

If you decide to not accept this cookie the functionality of the site will not be affected, you will just loose the form prefill convenice.


This cookie may get set by the OpenStreetMap tile servers providing the map tiles used in the interactive map in the Create Map form.

This cookie stores a time-based one-time password token which can be verified by the OpenStreetMap tile cache servers and so can improve tile access performance.

To the best of our knowledge this cookie is not used by OpenStreetMap to perform tracking of any kind.

If you decide to not accept this cookie the map tiles in the interactive map may load slower, but otherwise the functionality of our site will not be reduced in any way.

Data from other sites

All images, style sheets, fonts and all javascript code are stored locally on this server. There will be no cross site requests to other sites when accessing this service, with one exception:

The site uses map tiles provided by OpenStreetMap in the interactive map shown on the Create Map form. These are loaded from the OpenStreetMap tile servers under the subdomain by your browser directly.

Please refer to the OpenStreetMap Foundations Privacy Policy regarding the access to those map tile images.

Data uploaded by you

The site allows you to upload GPX tracks, GeoJson files and Umap map exports to incorporate information stored in them into generated maps.

Note that all maps generated by this service are publicly visible, so do not upload any such files which contain information that should become visible to a global audience, no matter whether this is a problem for privacy, security, copyright, or other legal reasons.

If you have uploaded such a file by accident, please inform via email and request a removal of the uploaded file and the generated map. Provide either the URL of the generated map page, or the file name of the uploaded file and the date it was uploaded to this site.

Generated maps

Generated maps are stored on the server for some time until they are finally removed again for storage space reasons. The actual rendering job data remains available though, and so the deleted map files can be regenerated at any time.

If you think a map rendering job should be removed completely for whatever reason, please inform via email and provide the URL of the rendering job you want to have removed.